Release note: V3.3 – September 2024

Introducing Synced Templatespro tag

We’re excited to roll out the highly requested feature—Synced Templates.

This feature enables you to save your design templates with the synced option. Once synced, any changes made to a template are automatically reflected in all its copies, ensuring consistent design across your work.

Save time, maintain brand consistency, and elevate your design process with Synced Templates .

Learn more about the feature here.

Enhanced Prototype: Hover and Open Overlay

Want to add interactive dropdown menus, tooltips, dialogs, toast messages, panels, and more to your prototypes? Our latest updates have you covered.

  • “On hover” trigger: Now, in addition to “On click,” you can use the “On hover” trigger to demo effects such as hovering to show tooltips.
  • “Open overlay” action: Easily create dynamic pop-ups such as dropdown menus, dialogs, tooltips, drawers, panels, and more for a realistic prototype experience.

In case you missed it, check out our latest releases for Transition and Device frames.

Learn more about the feature here.

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